Prague Logistics Portfolio

Prague Logistics Portfolio
Prague Logistics Portfolio

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About Prague Logistics Portfolio

In March 2022, Hines acquired a portfolio of four logistics assets, spanning a total of 65,960 square meters (709,988 square feet), in Prague on behalf of its Hines European Core Fund (HECF). The fully let assets are located in Brandýs nad Labem, Vestec and Jažlovice, all desirable, well-connected and established last-mile logistics in the Czech Republic, with direct highway access providing a gateway to the majority of the Prague market within 30 to 40 minutes' drive time. The core occupiers are Continental Automotive, Boels and Mapei.

View in Google Maps Map showing the location of Prague Logistics Portfolio


  • Prumyslová 535, Prumyslová 1851, Zdebradská 78, Prumyslová 5 35, Prague, Czech Republic


  • In the Brandys nad Labem, Vestec and Jazlovice submarkets of Prague

Building Details

  • 709,988 square feet

Major Tenants

  • Continental Automotive, Boels, Mapei


  • BREEAM Very Good