Investors are a top priority in Luciana’s eventful world. As a director focusing on emerging markets in Hines’ Investment Management group, Luciana begins each day with a long to-do list. Her primary role is to work as part of the team managing funds platforms investing in the U.S., for office and multifamily products.
“We coordinate communication with investors. Our job is to ensure that we make investments consistent with the portfolio’s strategies and we execute each investment diligently to create value and achieve superior returns,” Luciana explains.
A native of São Paulo, Luciana earned a BS in Business Administration with a concentration in finance from Insper, a top-ranked institution of higher learning in Latin America. After graduating, Luciana began a career in investment banking and, two years later, she joined Hines as a member of the Brazilian real estate development team.
“The role was a great fit because I could apply my skills from banking to very concrete tasks in sourcing, analyzing and executing real estate projects,” Luciana says.
In 2016, Luciana relocated to Houston to join Hines’ Investment Management group and earn her MBA at the University of Texas while working full time. Her daily tasks include:
- Acting as a representative of the investor, by deeply understanding the investor’s needs and strategies, as well as Hines’ structure, operations and synergies, with a thorough knowledge of each portfolio and its assets.
- Providing the investors with extensive deliverables covering economic context, financial and operational projections, marketing and leasing efforts, and so much more.
- Collaborating with Hines’ regional teams to respond to investor requests accurately and timely. She is responsible for connecting the various parties within Hines to understand new business efforts and design road maps.
- Consolidating asset data within the portfolios, for good analytics that allow for high-level view of performance, risks, opportunities, investment profiles, pipeline activity, and tenant profiles.
- Ensuring consistency of reporting and analysis across the Portfolios.
- Designing, implementing and leading major processes, such as strategic business plans and excellent investor updates.
- Underwriting new investments.
Recognition from investors for a job well done is the most rewarding part of Luciana’s role. With ten years at Hines under her belt, she has had the opportunity to be a part of several exciting projects. Her most notable project while working on the development team was working on the team that was responsible for making an investment in the largest project in Hines Brazil – a master planned, 27-building mixed-use development that created a new neighborhood in São Paulo. With Investment Management, her largest portfolio is over $8B of Class A office buildings in New York, Chicago, Boston, and Los Angeles.
Luciana loves traveling and losing herself in places unknown. She makes time every year to visit new places and to spend time with family and friends. When asked to describe her job in one word, she replied with, “accountability.”
“Our group is responsible for very critical parts of Hines investment process,” Luciana explains. “ Consistency of management and accountability, and investor’s trust mean everything.”