New 'Shaere' space leads to social change in Germany

aer- Munich, Germany
Caption aer- Munich, Germany

What’s the Point?

Creating spaces where people can flourish is about more than just the physical environment. It’s about creating a positive social impact on the communities in which we operate, taking into account both the near-term and long-term needs.

One project that perfectly embodies this commitment is aer in Munich.

aer was a comprehensive refurbishment project undertaken by Hines to transform the building into a high-quality and sustainable mixed-use scheme. But there was opportunity to go beyond both just the physical space and the long-term sustainability goals in mind – enter the interim use concept, "shaere.” Shaere was created to embrace the strong community of the aer campus and the surrounding area and establish a social, cultural, educational, and artistic meeting place for citizens throughout the city.

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The concept of an interim use (or meanwhile use) is not new. It refers to the temporary use of underutilized spaces while the owner develops a long-term plan. In this case, collaboration with local artists and community members helped to create an engaging and dynamic space that served the needs of the community as the larger development came to fruition.

The shaere space is a multi-purpose facility that hosts a wide range of activities and events, from music concerts to art exhibitions to educational workshops, and welcomes between 250-700 visitors per day. The space is open to everyone, and it has become a hub for the community. It’s a place where people can come together to learn, create, and connect with each other. There’s something for everyone – from a community kitchen that produces up to 10,000 meals per day by processing recused food, to multi-generational outreach activity groups such as knitting and yoga.

The concept is a prime example of how real estate can be used to create a positive social impact. It's not just about building something that looks good; shaere was designed to support numerous local needs and foster an inclusive and diverse community.

And this impact will extend far beyond the life of the interim use. The concept has already helped to revitalize the surrounding area. By creating a vibrant and engaging space, new businesses and residents have been drawn to the area. The community has become more connected and engaged, which has had a ripple effect throughout the entire neighborhood. This project also acts as a blueprint for the future of aer – now characterized by sustainability, creativity, inspiration and productivity.